BREW GUIDE: French Press

Strong, determined, bold. A well made French Press is a great way to fuel a weekend of adventure or to serve along side a stack of flapjacks.

You will need:

  • A French Press. We recommend this one (no affiliation)

  • 1 tblsp of fresh course ground Fang MTN per cup of water.

  • An adjustable coffee grinder

My personal favorite way to brew a French press is to grind my coffee very coarse. Typically I use the coarsest setting on my grinder at home. Then I boil water and when the water has finished boiling I wait 30 seconds. I do this so I don’t burn the fragile ground coffee.

I then pour the hot water over my coffee and allow the ground coffee to bloom. I wait another 30 seconds then stir the mixture.

I then put the plunger over the carafe and set a timer for 3-minutes. The timer on your phone will do fine for this task.

When the 3-minutes are up, plunge & serve immediately. You can also decant the coffee into a thermos to keep hot. I find the longer the brewed coffee sits in the French press the bitter the coffee tastes - which is undesirable.

Serve with fresh baked pastries for an added touch.
